Archive Scanner: The First Purpose-Built Digitization Technology in North America for Archive Collections
Digitizing archival collections is a priority for many government organizations, museums, and even corporations in order to preserve sensitive items that can degrade over time, such as manuscripts and photographs. Until now, there has been nothing on the market in North America that is purpose-built for the scanning of archival materials. The Archive Scanner is being brought to market exclusively by Ristech to fill this need. Designed in Germany, this technology is already in wide use in European archival applications in some of the most famous museums and companies in the world.
Why digitize your archive?
Museums and archives have a duty of care to preserve their collections. Digitization is the ultimate preservation, as you will have a permanent backup copy of your collection should anything happen to the original items. In addition, where copyright allows, you can allow limited or even public access to your entire collection. The images can also be used on websites and on social media channels to encourage attendance to exhibits and possible donations for further preservation projects.
The Archive Scanner is much easier to use for large collections of loose paper than a traditional book scanner or other digitization tools, and can easily scan items which are much larger than a book.
Archive Scanner in wide use for famous European collections and other applications
- Museum of Modern Art (MUMOK), Vienna
- Gustav Klimt Foundation, Vienna
- Jewish Museum, Berlin
- King’s College, London
- British Museum, London
Other applications include services for the disabled, such as PixelPrint in Munich, and for company archive applications in large corporations such as Siemens Healthcare in Erlangen.
Siemens produces MRT/roentgen/x-ray scanners and uses the Archive Scanner to scan bound manuals, loose paper files, construction plans and other materials. This makes transmission to any health authorities such as the FDA that may require them for certification or regulatory purposes quick and easy.
The Archive Scanner can digitize almost anything
The Archive Scanner is easy to work with. The scanning surface consists of a flat top on which documents of varying sizes can be placed. The Archive Scanner is specially designed so that sensitive and fragile materials, such as paintings and old manuscripts, can be gently placed on the scanning surface. The Archive Scanner automatically detects the edge of the items being scanned without the need for a top plate, and auto formats and crops them instantly. Simply place the item on the scanning surface, scan the item, and remove it from the table. This design also allows for scanning of three-dimensional objects, such as coins and medals.
Use cases for the Archive Scanner
Other use cases for the Archive Scanner are:
– Scanning of coins and medals in high resolution with different three-dimensional lighting options
– Scanning of negatives (Dias and glass plates) up to 6.000 optical dpi
– Scanning rare and fragile bound documents
How to get the Archive Scanner
Your Archive Scanner system can be customized to your organization’s needs. We offer solutions for lease or purchase depending on your budget and requirements. Ristech has an exclusive license to distribute the Archive Scanner in North America. Our offices in New York, Florida and Canada are ready to serve you. Contact us at 1-905-631-7451 or (email here) to speak to one of our digitization experts.
Check out the video below